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开云官方入口:「CET-4提纲作文」Preserving the Environment

发布日期:2023-12-06 13:40浏览次数:
本文摘要:Preserving the EnvironmentDirections: For this part, you are required to write a composition of about 120 words on the topic: Preserving the Environment. You should base your writing on the following outline (given in Chinese). You can write as many paragraphs as you wish, but you should not omit any part of the outline.1.人类生存与情况有关;2.现在情况污染日益严重(略述原因);3.掩护情况是我们的重要任务。

Preserving the EnvironmentDirections: For this part, you are required to write a composition of about 120 words on the topic: Preserving the Environment. You should base your writing on the following outline (given in Chinese). You can write as many paragraphs as you wish, but you should not omit any part of the outline.1.人类生存与情况有关;2.现在情况污染日益严重(略述原因);3.掩护情况是我们的重要任务。【范文】Preserving the EnvironmentEnvironment means the land, water, and atmosphere we live by①. Environment is the earth, the only planet and home for us human race②. No one will doubt that we can ever survive③ while the land, water and atmosphere are seriously polluted.However, this is the situation we are facing today. Every day, every hour, and even every minute, the air, forests, soil, oceans and fish water are becoming dirtier and dirtier with increasing speed④ , which is threatening our existence. There are mainly two causes of⑤ the environmental problems: the excessive use of natural resources and massive discharge of⑥ polluted waste in the course of production.Preserving the environment is of crucial importance⑦ to mankind today. We must take immediate measures to⑧ fight against⑨ pollution. “Conquering the nature⑩ ” should never be our goal. Instead, we should take nature as our closest friend. Preserving the environment is not only preserving our home but the civilization of human community as well11.【注释】①live by:靠……已往;以……为生②human race:人类,相当于people in general③survive:vi& vt. 浩劫不死,幸免于难④… with increasing speed …:介词with引导一个现在分词短语作状语,说明谓语动词行为方式。⑤excessive use of …:excessive意思是“过分的”;“极端的”,所以这个短语是说“对……过分使用”。

⑥massive discharge of …:大规模地排放……⑦be of crucial importance:系动词be和介词of连用,讲明某事物具有什么性质或属性;crucial意为“决议性的”,“关系重大的”。所以这句话的意思是:掩护情况对今天的人类来说是至关重要的。⑧take immediate measures to:take measures意为“接纳措施”,所以这个词组的意思是“接纳紧迫措施以……”。

⑨fight against:与……作斗争⑩conquer the nature:征服大自然11as well:也,同样(是)【点评】本文是一篇凭据提纲提示展开的命题作文。出题者要求考生在划定的时间内,牢牢围绕提示,用英语叙述自己对“掩护情况”这一命题的看法。文章的第一段,作者用解释法(explanation)从差别的两个角度界说“情况”这个词。






