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发布日期:2023-09-26 13:07浏览次数:
本文摘要:乌克兰Grammarly办公场所Grammarly Office / balbek bureau由专筑网小R,蒋晖编译来自修建事务所的形貌:Grammarly是一家全球公司,在旧金山、纽约、基辅都设有办公场所。

乌克兰Grammarly办公场所Grammarly Office / balbek bureau由专筑网小R,蒋晖编译来自修建事务所的形貌:Grammarly是一家全球公司,在旧金山、纽约、基辅都设有办公场所。该公司从事数字写作助手,使用者数以百万计,无论使用者在那里办公,他们都能够举行清晰高效地交流。Grammarly公司全天候运营,拥有许多IT设备和大量的交流与数据交流系统,这些设备与系统小我私家与团队都能使用。

公司配备有多种类型的空间,用于差别类型的运动,其中包罗可用于150人的大型集会室,这里也可用作讲座和聚会,另有一系列的小型集会空间,这些空间都配别有诸如高品质音频与视频装置的IT设备,另外另有接待区、娱乐室、餐厅、休息室、休息区,以及设备区。Text description provided by the architects. Grammarly is a global company with offices in San Francisco, New York, and Kyiv. Grammarly is a digital writing assistant used by millions of people every day to make their communication clear and effective, wherever they type. Grammarly operates 24/7, with the extensive use of IT devices and a high volume of communication and data exchange, both within individual and group settings. The Company required a variety of spaces for different activity types, including a large conference hall with 150 seating capacity, for lectures and presentations (aka a meet-up zone); a number of small meeting rooms equipped with IT devices for quality audio and video conferences between offices across the globe; reception zone; a soundproof recreation room; canteen for employees; nap room; several lounge zones; facilities areas.另外,这里另有诸如情况友好型质料、暖色面板、如家般的室内气氛等其他设备,集会毗连与电气系统的高科技系统,整个空间灵活且具有高度适应性。Other requirements included eco-friendly materials, warm color palette and homely feel of the interior; high-tech solutions for conference connection and electrification systems, as well as flexibility and adaptability of space.原有办公区域位于一座14层写字楼的顶部两层,下层有着8.8米高的室内空间和1300平方米的开放空间,夹层的高度为3米,面积为450平方米。

The original office area, occupying the top two-level floor of a 14-story office building, consisted of two levels, with the ground level featuring 8.8-m high ceiling and 1,300 sqm of open space, and the mezzanine level with a 3-m high ceiling and 450 sqm of space.修建师的结构理念是将集会区设置在下层,这样能够成为办公空间的焦点元素,周围围绕漫衍着6个开放办公区域,每个区域都能很好地隔音。另外,修建师还调整了夹层的整体结构,从而区分事情区域与回忆区域,然后,一座开放式楼梯将这两个楼层毗连在一起。

Our layout idea was to place the meet-up zone on the ground floor, making it a core element, a heart, of the office, around which six open-space working zones, each with soundproof qualities, to be located. We adjusted the configuration of the mezzanine floor to ensure the correct radial curve that separates the working areas from the meet-up zone. We connected the two levels with the newly installed open staircases.几个独立的小房间是平静的私人办公场所,让人们能够举行单独地交流。大型集会室能够容纳8至15人,围绕在集会区的外部,并用差别的色调举行装饰。

办公室里有21个休息区,其中包罗图书馆、休息室,甚至另有能够玩乐器或看视频的观影室。这里甚至还放置了壁炉,增加了空间的舒适度,从而也组成了休闲交流场所。Several individual box rooms offer privacy for quiet work and one-on-one communication. Larger meeting rooms, with capacities of 8 to 15 people, are located around the meet-up zone and are finished in different colors. There are 21 lounge zones in the office, including a library, a nap room and acoustic room to play musical instruments or watch videos. There is even a fireplace zone for added comfort and relaxation, which is also used as an informal meeting place.修建师使用了情况友好型质料与自然木料,其中包罗办公空间中橡木的创意性使用,以及休息区域的室内空间室外化计谋,另外还联合自然采光来引发员工们的努力性,这还能有效地提高员工的舒适度与办公效率。

Extensive use of eco-friendly materials and natural wood, including creative reuse of oak throughout the office space, multiple references to the outdoors in the lounge areas, and the abundance of natural light help to create a positive work-life balance for the employees and contribute to highest levels of their comfort and efficiency.休息室专为员工们的午休而设计,这是三个可以由窗帘启闭的小体块,主要目的是遮挡光线。体块下面有传感器,如果有人在这里休息,那么传感器就会获得讯息,字母“zZZ”的灯光就会亮起,其他人就会知道这一体块已经有人在使用。

The nap room is designed for three sleeping places. Conceptually, these are three blocks closed by the curtains for optical isolation. The blocks have mattresses under which weighing sensors are located. If someone occupies a sleeping place - the sensor responds and sends a signal to the light indication - the zZZ letters, which means the block is busy.休息区位于下部房间之上,通过吊桥与事情区联系在一起,而吊桥则是整个办公室的关键元素。吊桥的长度为90米,盘旋围绕在办公室内部,在其中的人们可以俯瞰整个办公空间,然后人们可以来到上部的休息区。吊桥没有地面支撑体系悬挂在天花板上,因此为了让桥体更轻盈,修建师减小了桥体的厚度,他们将主要楼层下部的系统管道与桥体相联合,从而让这些元素成为吊桥的一部门。

Lounge areas created above the rooms of the ground floor are connected to the working zones by one of the key elements of the entire office - the suspension bridge. The length of the bridge is 90m, it loops around the office in a gentle curve, overlooking the entire office and expanding slightly to accommodate lounge zones in its path. The bridge has no ground support, it is merely suspended from the ceiling. In order to keep the thickness of the bridge to a minimum, we passed the sprinkler system pipes under the main floor, and incorporated their fragments into the body of the bridge, blending them with the bridge’s structural elements.修建设计:balbek bureau所在:乌克兰,基辅种别:办公空间室内设计 主建立筑师:Slava Balbek, Andrii Berezynskyi, Anastasia Marchenko面积:1750.0 ㎡项目时间:2018年摄影:Andrey Bezuglov, Yevhenii Avramenko制造商:HAY, Infiniti, Vitra, Noti, Moroso, Normann Copenhagen, Magis项目治理:Borys Dorogov客户:Grammarly KyivArchitects: balbek bureauLocation: Kyiv, UkraineCategory: Offices InteriorsLead Architects: Slava Balbek, Andrii Berezynskyi, Anastasia MarchenkoArea: 1750.0 ㎡Project Year: 2018Photographs: Andrey Bezuglov, Yevhenii AvramenkoManufacturers: HAY, Infiniti, Vitra, Noti, Moroso, Normann Copenhagen, MagisProject Manager: Borys DorogovClients: Grammarly Kyiv【专筑网版权与免责声明】:本网站注明“泉源:专筑网”的所有内容版权属专筑网所有,如需转载,请注明出处。


